The Biggest Hillclimb in the East !!!
The Biggest Hillclimb in the East !!!

VINTAGE HillClimb Race and Show
The Vintage show will be near the base lodge for all to see. Vintage sleds will also be taking on the hill in what is sure to be a real challenge to the top!
The Hill Climb Challenge will be brining you some of the finest examples of restored and original vintage sleds from our past. The northeast boasts some of the best craftsmen in the world of Vintage Snowmobile restorations, come spend the day with us and view their work.
Show your old sled off:
For those interested in showing their sleds, we are planning on doing a friendly gathering with the only award going to a best of show voted on by the spectators. All are welcome regardless of what you are showing, restored or original. We just want to get together and enjoy the day have some fun on the mountain while getting a chance to look at some old iron. The display area will be up on the slope in front of the lodge with plenty of parking for trailers in the main staging area so please leave this date open on your schedule and plan on joining us on the mountain. Make sure you check out the website for a schedule of events and any updates. This is an all day event with a fun bash in the “Sled Pub” afterwards.
Tropheys awarded for People's Choice, Largest Display
For anyone with a sense of adventure the club has included a Vintage class in the Hill Climb Race for those who dare (all safety rules apply). All Fan and Vintage class registrations will be by PRE-REGISTRATION ONLY. There will be no day of event registration for these race classes. These classes will be the first to run.
Rules for vintage show:
All vintage sleds are to be on site by 8:00 AM
Sleds can be brought on Friday as well. Security will be on-site.
All vintage sleds have to be 1983 or older for the vintage snowmobile show.
All Vintage sleds attempting the Hillclimb must have leaf
spring front ends.
Vintage Show Questions: Vintage info
Vintage friends,
Well folks we’re quickly coming up to the N.H. Hillclimb Challenge show once again, in the past we have some fantastic sleds and people at the show and I’m hoping all will return for another fun filled event. For those that haven’t come your missing a great day of vintage at a fantastic venue. We’re praying for cold weather but after last year we proved this event will go off no matter what the weather but just in case keep the sunscreen handy!!
Those vintage folks bringing sleds to the show, Please get there early. Pats Peak is again requiring us to be set up by 8:00 AM Saturday. This is to insure we are not moving sleds around after the gates open. Some of us will be there overnight on Friday night so we can start early on Saturday. Come up when you want, Friday night or early Saturday morning. I would like to have an idea of who is coming and how many. If you could shoot me an e-mail that would be appreciated. Remember all levels of sleds are welcome. This is for fun to get the old iron together for the crowd. This will probably be the last time this winter.
The Weare Winter Wanderers has agreed to refund the $15.00 entrance fee(no race fees) to all the vintage sled owners in appreciation of coming to the show. The ski area is in charge of the entrance fee but the club will take care of the sled owner. Everyone on the slope will have to have a ticket (liability) on his or her person. You will need to buy a ticket and go through the regular entrance line and we will take care of the refund after we get going.
Any vintage sled you plan on challenging the hill with, will need to stay in the tech pits till it’s teched then can be moved onto the slope. The Hill Climb Race/Show at Pats Peak is a full and fun day for all. I hope you all can make it out to this race and show.
Thanks Jeff